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pet_tag_black_pkg_300Black Pet Tag

Black Pet Tag

CAD $ 9.99 each
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    This pet tag is made of aluminum covered with a protective layer of epoxy. The back consists of the identification code of the tag and a QR code that is linked to the identification sheet of the pet that will appear when the QR code is scanned by a smartphone.

    If it’s impossible for someone to scan the QR code, he/she can call the emergency line and by providing the identification code of the pet tag, we can identify the animal and its owner.

    There are no annual or activation fees.
    1 year limited warranty.


    Material: aluminum.
    Protection: Epoxy.
    Colour: black.

    Diameter: 29 mm.
    Weight: 5 grams.

    Water resistant.

Identify the person with the code inscribed on the bracelet

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