2BEID™ is recognized among many health organisations in the world as an excellent medical and safety identification company.

Since 2012 we have made peace of mind available to people with our medical identification bracelet with 3 ways to be identified.

The 2BEID™ medical identification bracelets holds the lead on all other bracelets on the market by its versatility and unique concept in the world. For no other identification bracelet gives you the opportunity to add, modify and delete your information without changing bracelet. This allows you to have your information always up to date in order to have the most accurate response possible. In addition, the bracelet will allow the responder to contact your relatives to warn them of your situation, it will significantly reduce the time of communication between the emergency services and your loved ones.

Why is the 2BEID™ bracelet the most complete in the world?

1. There is a QR code on the bracelet that is linked to your 2BEID™ identification sheet. When scanned with a smart phone and an application to decode QR codes, the information you have entered will be displayed. You can modify your information at any time, which allows the 1st responder to have your information up to date and to be able to intervene in a quick and precise manner. QR codes work anywhere in the world!

2. The emergency line’s phone number is printed on the bracelet and accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the first responder that is unable to access your information by scanning the QR code. From the identification number on the bracelet, we can remotely give him the information.

3. Without having to scan the QR code or to call our emergency line, it is now possible to identify a person that is either unconscious or lost! The first responder can inscribe the identification number of the bracelet in the appropriate box on the Home page of our website and have access to the person’s information.

4. With the MED-CLIP (as an option), you can display your illness or allergy on the 2BEID™ silicone/metal bracelet . Before even scanning the QR code on your bracelet, the 1st responder will be aware of your primary illness or allergy which is often the cause of the loss of consciousness.

5. We have an excellent customer service department a phone call away, available from Monday to Friday and by email 7 days a week.

Our products are safe, easy to use, effective in all countries and without annual or activation fees….

We invite you to visit our page explaining with images the 3 ways to be identified with our bracelets.








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- Copyright © 2012-2025 2BEID identification inc.
2BEID® is a trademark of 2BEID identification inc.
Conception & Web Design by Sans-titre-2