Our bracelets offer the possibility to be identified in 3 ways!  Depending on the situation, one of the 3 ways could be more suitable than the other in order  to better identify you. 

identification by qr codebalayez le code qrles informations s'afficheront

The identification by QR code is accessible all over the world!

1. The first responder needs to find the QR code which is located on the metal plate of the bracelet.

2. He will scan the QR code with his smartphone and a free application that decodes QR codes.

3. After a few seconds, your medical information and your emergency contacts will be displayed and he will be able to help you and contact your loved ones.


identification by emergency lineappelez la ligne d'urgenceidentification via notre ligne d'urgence

The identification by the emergency line is only accessible in Canada and the United States!

1. The first responder will find the identification number of your bracelet which is located on the metal plate.

2. He will call the 1-800 toll-free emergency line printed on the bracelet.

3. He will then provide the 2BEID employee the identification number of your bracelet.  The 2BEID employee will provide the relevant medical information to the first responder, but not your emergency contacts.   2BEID will contact your emergency contacts to advise them and give them the information about the incident.


identification by 2BEID websiteident pt2bident pt3

The identification by the 2BEID web site is accessible all over the world!

1. The first responder will locate the identification number on the metal plate located on your bracelet.

2. He will enter your bracelet’s  identification number at the proper section on the home page of the 2BEID website.

3. After a few seconds, your medical information and your emergency contacts will be displayed and he will be able to help you and contact your loved ones.

* If the client does not want to give access and be identified this way, he can ask 2BEID to deactivate this function.







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- Copyright © 2012-2025 2BEID identification inc.
2BEID® is a trademark of 2BEID identification inc.
Conception & Web Design by Sans-titre-2